The Cinema Cafe

Serving Cinema's Tastiest Treats

Sterling Silver Dialogue #19

Sterling Silver Dialogue From The Movies:  

Do you know where they're from?


"I'm surprised that you're going away with him."

(response) "I'm surprised you think I would. Why the guy's no good, never was any good, never will be any good. He was born that way. His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork."



“The stork that brought you should have been arrested for peddling dope.”



"You, on the level? Why, for six bits you'd hang your mother on a meat-hook."



"You'll always be a two-bit cannon and when they pick you up in the gutter dead, your hand'll be in a drunk's pocket."



"I remember the first time you told me that... that you were just one punch away from the title. Don't you see Bill, you'll always be one punch away."



"... you don't know what a love affair is."

(response) "It's what goes on between a man and a .45 pistol that won't jam.


"Prayer's not gonna keep you from being killed."

(response) "People don't pray to keep from dying. They pray to keep from being disappointed when they do."



"It was the bottom of the barrel and I scraped it, but I didn't care. I had her."


"Oh Jeff, you ought to have killed me for what I did a moment ago."

(response) "There's still time."



"If I had been a ranch they would have named me the Bar Nothing."



"You know, Johnny, when you play solitaire you can only beat yourself."


"My old man always said, liquor doesn't drown your troubles... just teaches 'em to swim."


"You can't take the law into your own hands! Things aren't done that way!"

(response) "That depends on who's doing them."



"Of course, killing you is killing myself. It's the same thing. But you know, I'm pretty tired of both of us."



"This guy's got 'em like that. He's everything they say he is!

(response) "What about you, Sal? Are you everything they say you are?"



"There's a lot of nobility in this room. Must be the panelling."



"Beware the beast man... for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport... or lust... or greed. Yea he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home, and yours. Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair: for he is the harbinger of death."


Answers to Sterling Silver Dialogue #19 are here.